Festify unexpected character ecountered
Festify unexpected character ecountered

festify unexpected character ecountered

During Anthony Ainley's tenure, the production team sometimes went so far as to conceal his presence in a story by using his current alias as the character name and turning his actor's name into an anagram.

  • The Master is a frequent subject of this, appearing halfway through to turn out to be The Man Behind the Man of one alien scheme after another.
  • Da Vinci's Demons has the titular character meeting none other than Vlad the Impaler (a.k.a.
  • No one could have predicted such a minor character would get such a big role.
  • Who ends up being the final Big Bad of Buffy the Vampire Slayer? The First Evil, a Monster of the Week who tormented Angel in one episode of Season 3 and then never appeared again once during all of that time between seasons 3 and 7.
  • This is justified however, as Andrew explained that the group didn’t want to work with Angel anymore after his decision to join Wolfram & Hart, meaning that it would make sense for them to send one of their least useful members who also didn’t have a history with Angel. Buffy? Willow? Xander? Faith? Dawn? Nope.

    festify unexpected character ecountered

  • In season 5 of Angel, Giles sent a member of the Scooby Gang to help Angel.
  • She was previously an unseen character only spoken about a couple of times on Breaking Bad.
  • In the same episode, Gomez's wife Blanca makes her first on-screen appearance to testify against Saul as well.

  • Festify unexpected character ecountered